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optimize your body.

Build Muscle, Lose Fat, & Increase YOUR Performance. 


Welcome, Champ.


Here at Chase Chesterman Coaching, we believe we have the end result everyone is looking for.


However, the route we take is very different.  


That's good news for you, because if what everyone else was doing was working... we wouldn't be here. So while you're feeling hopeless, lost, confused and discouraged about your body's goals... take heed-the professionals have arrived.


Sorry, it took us so long, but we're here.


We're here because our performance-focused approach has been a breath of fresh air for everyone we've encountered.  Our unique blend of Performance Nutrition and Performance Training focusing on Body Composition not only makes sense to EVERYONE, but it works AND its efficient.


So, if you're ready and you're hungry for world class results, let's get to work building muscle, losing fat, & increasing performance.





Why we're Here

We’re on a mission to liberate the spiritually and physically oppressed.  There is a pandemic running rampant and it’s called DECEPTION. And it's keeping you a prisoner.  What you believe dictates your choices. Right now, your body, your life is a result of your choices. Like what you choose to eat or not eat, the way you exercise or don't...


Want to change your life? Want to change your body? 


Change your mind. Change your belief. Believe truth. 


Everyone else is selling you on how to “fix” yourself from the outside-in, trying to change you, "change your lifestyle" they say. We are going to help YOU change. YOU are going to change from the inside out, starting with your mind, your beliefs.  You’re going to change because we are going to teach you truth. Then we will train you to apply it daily. On the other end of the TRUTH applied is everything you’re looking for. It’s freedom. We’re here to set you free. 


Make the decision. Are YOU ready TO change? 



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Who We're Looking for

The bible says “For we do not WRESTLE against flesh and blood.”  Wrestling is an individual sport. Meaning, when you go out to “fight your fight,” ain’t nobody else there with you.  And you are in a fight, daily. And there is always an enemy, always an opponent.  In this life, we all have our own fight, but not everyone chooses to fight back.


We’re here, not to fight your fight for you, but to be your coaches, in your corner, arming you, equipping you, training you, and preparing you for your fight. This isn’t a hand holding process. We are not training you to depend on us, but raising you up to be dominant on your own.  Because we believe thats WHO you want to be. 


Fighters know: fatigue makes lambs out of lions & being fat, sick, and weak doesn’t equate to "winning." 


Fighters look like: that person taking the first step off the couch. The woman ready to break through and get "those last 5 pounds off."  The husband, father, and/or blue collar worker who has abandoned his body because he has been selflessly focusing on providing for his family, but now wants to get back into “fighting shape.” Because he also wants to be the example, provider, and leader of his family. It's the person in remission from cancer who is going to come back stronger and healthier. The heart attack recoverer, type 2 diabetes overcomer, "the no more relying on pills" naysayer. The mom looking to lose the baby weight, to win her next crossfit comp. The man or woman going through a divorce and looking to re build him or herself.  The high school kid ready to win a state championship and college scholarship.  Whatever the fight is, you're going to have to eat. HOW you eat, will determine you chances.  We don't decide the fight for you, we just help you win.


Make the decision. Are YOU ready FIGHT BACK?

our Approach

The medical, supplement, and health & fitness industries are broken systems rooted in evil. And they have failed the American public from both the quality of services they provide and their business models.  Essentially, they get richer while the American people get fatter, sicker, and weaker.  Yes, we know they're saturated markets. But we wouldn't be here if we didn't believe we have something different.   No... we KNOW we have something different, because we ARE different. We're here to solve both problems. Yes, we are going to make money, but we're not interested in making money at the expense of no results. The money we make will be used to advance the truth, take ground, & dominate. And the more folks-like you-receive the truth, the more will be liberated. Don't just let us tell you... let us SHOW you, let us TEACH you.

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Why Body Composition?

Functional training focuses on "can I do it?"  Aesthetic training focuses on "do I look good?" Performance training focuses on "Can I do it better? Can I do it more optimally? And yeah... I'm going to look good while doing it." Improving body composition with the right training programs correlates to increased performance. In other words-quality of life. 

Body composition is the breakdown of body weight into lean mass & fat mass. It is measured as body fat %. Specifically, how much of your body weight is fat. By separating body weight into lean mass and body fat (fat mass), we can target each tissue individually and then build training programs & eating strategies to specifically improve body fat percentage. 

How Does This Correlate To Performance?

Muscle, like an engine, works FOR you, fat works AGAINST you. So we help you build muscle-to have a bigger motor-that works FOR you & lose fat so you have less "dead weight" working AGAINST you. No matter what activity you're doing in life, having muscle work for you and less fat working against you sets you up to do it more optimally. From breaking a 100m dash world record to getting in and out of chair & everything in between.


How Will We Help You?

We will take you through a thorough evaluation process to get an accurate assessment of what you are current eating and exercise habits are.  We will then allow you to apply the education (belief system) we have given you organically in your life with your current eating patterns.  Then we will start strategizing and projecting (application) how to fill any "gaps."  You will know your daily and meal totals for protein, fats, and carbs needed to both fuel your body and  hit your ideal body fat %. We will guide you though getting those needs met with foods that: taste good to you, fit your budget, and make sense logistically for you and your lifestyle. 



Investing with Them...

From a BUSINESS standpoint, meal plans and personal training require long term, financial commitments. While they seem cheap up front, they lack the education and training to "set you free." Since you're being told what to do and not taught how-you're in for the long haul with weekly check-ins, accountability, rah-rah speeches, lectures how you're not disciplined enough & meal plan/macro updates.  It's a "nickel and dime" system set up to string you along & keep you dependent upon them.. the coach and/or the business. Or its a subscription service that gives you something that SEEMS like its working, but in reality, its just not the vehicle or should we say "bike" that's going to get you there. Unfortunately, you keep "spinning your wheels" with wasted exercise efforts and lost dollars. That's a prison. We are here to raise you up to be independent of us and stand on your OWN.  Our goal is to be your last coaching INVESTMENT. Because education lasts for life. 


Investing with US...

With us, there will be an initial upfront investment of TIME & MONEY.  Everyone says they want to be fit, everyone says they want to "lose weight," but FEW will put their money & their time where their mouth is.  Without financial "skin in the game" there's nothing tying you to the TIME investment required to LEARN... so it's easy to quit & fall off when things get tough.  This will be mentally tough more than anything. You will have homework, be quizzed, and asked to problem solve.  But it will all come back to you because you LEARNED.If you don't LEARN, you might see some short term results from "doing," but will eventually go back to your old ways. And sometimes be worse off than when you started. Investing with us, we promise to be right here: coaching, guiding, counseling, and encouraging you. We're ALL in for YOU. But YOU have to be ALL in for you.

You going to bet on yourself for once?

While it's a one time COST, the VALUE of EDUCATION is FOR LIFE.  Meaning, we aren't just going to give you a meal plan and make YOU FIT IT by telling you, you need to change your lifestyle, but we are going to teach you how to build THE eating strategy that not only FITS  YOU and YOUR LIFE but will get you the results you want FOR LIFE.  


Are you WILLING & READY to be a STUDENT and LEARN?

The price is the price, BUT...

What We Offer



Is it for me?

Most people think they just need a meal plan. That's the end game, but you must be taught how to get there if you want it to be long term.  Together we will build it. This is the cheapest and fastest route to get to where you want to be.  1-on-1 allows ALL of Chase's attention to be on you and your situation. We can streamline the education and application process specifically to you, your pace, and your life.  Many people face personal mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers specific to them and their life.  This will allow all of those to be addressed and over come as it is necessary to be successful with your understanding and relationship with food. The eating strategy will meet the 4 requirements needed for sustainable success: 1)body fat % needs 2) convenience 3) budget 4) taste. If ANY of these are missing, it wont be successful AND sustainable.


What will I get?

You will get eight 1 hour sessions of 1-on-1 in-person coaching and counseling with Coach Chase over the course of 8 weeks. In the 8 weeks, you will get all of the education you need for you and yourself, specifically, with a weekly gameplan strategizing application and implementation.  We will step by step build together an eating strategy that FITS you, your life and your goals. 


Can I do it with my spouse?

Yes, I encourage those in the same household to take counseling together since they can support each other in the education, shopping, cooking, eating out, and other details of the program. While the principles will be the same, each person will have their specifics to their body and goals.  The pricing stays the same since the 1 hour time will be split during coaching sessions. 


***Note: We do Not provide Medical Nutrition Therapy. Our programs focus on body composition and performance. These strategies are proven to help with metabolic disease states, but we do not treat diseases specifically.  


Your Coach

Chase Chesterman, RD, SCCC

Chase is a Registered Dietitian, Strength & Conditioning Coach & Body Composition Specialist focusing on Human Performance. Chase has spent his 10 plus year career as a Sports Dietitian and Sports Performance Coach helping 1000s of men, women, and youth. This includes D1 athletes military special ops warfighters and many others just like you, to achieve their body comp and performance goals. He has also worked in the national communications & research space for nutrition and exercise. 


And that's Jo, his beautiful dog. She snuck into the headshot.

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